Commercial plasma equipment

CEPLANT laboratories are equipped with commercial plasma sources to provide qualified reports on plasma efficiencies and with proprietary plasma jets for surface activation and deposition of coatings.

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I am interested in using plasma equipment

Industrial Corona System for treating roll material

Experimental Roll-to-Roll line equipped with two corona discharge units enables one-side or both-side plasma treatment of conductive or non-conductive flexible materials of a maximal width 210 mm.

Parameters of electrodes:

4 ceramic electrodes for each side

Parameters of roll:

Two aluminium rolls of 120 mm in diameter coated with Al2O3

Atmospheric Plasma Beam and Glide Arc for surface treatment of planar and 3D objects

Atmospheric-pressure Plasma Beam and Glide Arc APC 500 (Diener Electronic GmbH Co.) provide surface treatments of planar and 3D samples in ambient air.

Plasma Beam parameters:

  • Frequency: 20 kHz
  • Voltage: 10 kV
  • Power input: 300 W
  • Width of treated area: up to max. 12 mm
  • Variable axes: x,y,z

Glide Arc parameters:

  • Frequency: 20 kHz
  • Power input: 500 W
  • Width of corona plasma: 60 mm
  • Variable axes: x,y

Plasma multijet system

Plasma multijet system uses the principle of high-frequency hollow cathode (13.56 MHz) for generating atmosphere pressure plasma – patent EP 2009029. As the basis of the jet system, dielectric capillaries made of silicon glass are used and Argon with potential mixture flows through them. Dielectric capillaries are confined by a high-voltage high-frequency multi-electrode and a grounded multi-electrode.

By adding suitable precursors into the plasma (silanes, siloxanes, silazanes, various kinds of carbohydrates etc.) it is possible to create nano-structured ultra-hydrophobic thin layers.

Plasma pencil

Plasma pencil uses the principle of high-frequency hollow cathode (13.56 MHz) for generating atmosphere pressure plasma:

patent: EP 1077021
patent: US 6, 525, 481.

The plasma pencil can be used for local activation of the surface and their modification, for coating with thin layers from the gas or aerosol phase and also for chemical syntheses or modification of fluids. By adding suitable precursors to the plasma (silanes, siloxanes, silazanes, various kinds of carbohydrates etc.) it is possible to create nano-structured ultra-hydrophobic thin layers. By combining suitable aerosol- and gas- precursors it is possible to obtain multifunction thin layers (e.g. arbitrarily colorable ultra-hydrophobic layers, colorable hard and hydrophobic layers, layers with biocidal effects, etc.). The speed of thin layers deposition is usually between 100 – 1000 nm/s.

Plasma jet with slit nozzle

The principle of generating a charge by a nozzle plasma jet is the object of the patent application submitted in 2012 (CZ PV 2012-935). Properties of the plasma are similar to those of the case of plasma multijet system, but higher homogeneity of the charge is guaranteed. With regards to various construction solutions is this plasma system highly variable – from a simple nozzle jet for flat surfaces to shaped surfaces (e.g. cylindrical). It is also possible to assemble multi-nozzle systems, where there are more plasma nozzles after each other, or these nozzles can be combined with aerosol jets for dispensing suitable precursors.

Plasma nozzle jets (modules of with up to 500 mm) can be utilized for activation of surfaces and their modifications, for coating with thin layers, and also for chemical syntheses or modifications of fluids.

Are you interested to use our equipment? Contact us. 

We send the cost and conditions of using our equipment on request.

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