Plasma nanotechnologies and bioapplications
Emerging plasma applications, biomedical surfaces, nanostructured coatings, agriculture.
The CEPLANT Research Infrastructure offers access for external users to its experimental facilities in open access mode. Access to the facilities in the laboratories of CEPLANT is free of charge for national and international academic users if the results from experiments at the facilities of the infrastructure will be disseminated in the public domain. The costs of access are covered by the program Large Research Infrastructures financed by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic.
To apply for open access to the infrastructure facilities, scientific proposals should be submitted via a signed application form (see the attachment below). There are no deadlines, each project proposal can be submitted at any time, and the evaluation is done continuously. The project proposal will be assessed for its feasibility by the instrument responsible, and then by our Scientific Board for its scientific merit. You will be informed by e-mail if the proposal is accepted or not.
The use of the CEPLANT infrastructure and the project funding must be appropriately mentioned in publications (for example, “Presented results were obtained with the use of CEPLANT infrastructure, which is financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports - project LM2018097.”). A similar acknowledgment should be included in conference presentations, the proceedings, etc.
Our laboratories are equipped with the state of the art plasma generators for low-cost plasma treatments and various techniques for high-expert surface analysis.