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The Dean of the MU Faculty of Science awards prizes to outstanding collaborating organizations, schools, and individuals. One of the thirteen awards was received by Dr. Vjačeslav Sochora from the SHM company. SHM deals with developing, researching, and preparing PVD coatings for components and various tools.
Dr. Vjačeslav Sochora, the head of research at SHM Company, received on December 12, 2024 the award of the Dean of the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University for long-term cooperation with the PVDLab, a section of Prof. Petr Vašina's research group Deposition of Thin Films and Nanostructures, Department of Plasma Physics and Technology and CEPLANT Centre.
The group has been cooperating with SHM for a long time in the development of new technological processes for the preparation of materials in the form of thin layers. It is a symbiosis of a university department with a private company. SCI MUNI scientists have deep theoretical knowledge of the subject and have unique equipment for the analysis of the deposition process and the prepared thin films. SHM company has extensive industrial experience and expertise in solving real technological problems. SHM employees are also involved in teaching by lecturing or supervising PhD theses.
SHM company and SCI MUNI have several research projects, by themselves and by applied research projects supported by major grants agencies. The close collaboration has resulted in many new findings, articles in prestigious journals, and innovative and new protective coatings that SHM now offers in its portfolio.
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